WebXpress Help

Setting Up a New Account
Contact Information
Organization Information

Managing Your Web Site
Logging In
Administration Menu

Managing Images on Your Web Site
Maximum Number of Images
Preparing Images for the Web
Uploading Images
Viewing/Deleting Images
Inserting Images on Your Web Page

Page Maintenance
Add/Remove Pages
Modify Header and Footer
Modify Site Style
Preformatted Styles
Custom Style
Modify Pages
Content Blocks
Home Page Content
News Page Content
Calendar of Events
Request for Information Form
FAQ Page Content
Links Page Content
About Us Content
Search Page Content

Modifying Your Account
Changing Your Contact Information
Changing Your Organization Information
Changing Your Password

Setting Up a New Account

Contact Information

This information should correspond to the person who is primarily responsible for managing and maintaining the web site. All the fields in blue are required fields. This information must be provided completely and accurately, and is subject to verification. We value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone outside Woodward Communications, Inc. For more information, refer to our privacy statement and subscriber agreement.

You must choose your log-in name and password here. It's important that you use a name and password that's easy for you to remember. You'll need them each time you log on the administration site to build and modify your web pages. Your user name must be unique, and your password must contain at least 6 characters and consist entirely of letters, numbers and/or underscores. Index

Organization Information

This information should correspond to the certified non-profit organization responsible for the content of the web site. All the fields in blue are required fields, and it's alright if this information is the same as that provided under the Contact Information section, above. This information must be provided completely and accurately, and is subject to verification. We value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone outside Woodward Communications, Inc. For more information, refer to our privacy statement and subscriber agreement.

If you are a certified non-profit organization, you can build and maintain your WebXpress web site for free. Individuals or for-profit businesses and organizations should contact Woodward Internet Solutions to find out how they can subscribe to a similar inexpensive web-site creation service. Contact us if you are unsure of your organization's status, or if you have questions about this feature. Index

Managing Your Web Site

Logging In

Your user name and password were selected by you when you originally set up your account. If you've forgotten your password, but know your user name, we can e-mail your password to you. Click on the "Forgot your password?" link and we will e-mail the password to the e-mail address you provided when you set up your account. If you don't remember your user name, call 563-588-5732 for assistance. Index

Administration Menu

The WebXpress administration page has two frames. The menu frame on the left allows you to preview your web site, toggle it on and off, and select areas of your site to edit. The detail frame on the right is the page editing window where you can make changes to the individual pages of your web site.

To turn your web site on or off, click the "Toggle Status" link near the top of the menu. When the status of your site is "Live" it means anyone can access your site from the Internet. When the status is "Off-Line" it means only you can view your web site by clicking the "Preview" link at the very top left corner of the menu. You will probably want to take your web site off-line while you're making changes to the site, although that's not required. Don't forget to change the status back to "Live" after you're finished editing. Index

Managing Images on Your Web Site

Maximum Number of Images

You can upload a maximum of 16 images to your web site. You can use those 16 images as often as you like, and you can change, delete or replace them at any time.

Images must be in the .jpg, .gif or .png file format and can not exceed 100 kb in size. Index

Preparing Images for the Web

There are a number of software programs you can use to manipulate digital images. Adobe Photoshop is considered one of the best, but even the Microsoft accessory "Paint" can perform some rudimentary tasks such as cropping and scaling an image.

Images must be in the JPEG, GIF or PNG file format and can not exceed 100 kb in size. Image file names must be less than 24 characters long and must end with the appropriate .jpg, .gif or .png extension. Include only letters, numbers or underscores in your file names; never spaces or other special characters.

When preparing images for display on a web page, never exceed a resolution of 72 pixels per inch, which is the highest resolution a monitor can display. Be sure the image width does not exceed 600 pixels, which is the amount of room the average monitor will display while leaving room for your web site's left navigation bar.

To upload images for use on your web site, click on the "Upload Images" link in the administration menu.

For more information on preparing images, click here.


Uploading Images

Before you can add images to your web site, you must first upload the image files. It's best to take care of this first, before beginning work on your pages, but you can upload new images at any time.

Images must be in the JPEG, GIF or PNG file format and can not exceed 100 kb in size. Image file names must be less than 24 characters long and must end with the appropriate .jpg, .gif or .png extension. Include only letters, numbers or underscores in your file names; never spaces or other special characters.

To upload images for use on your web site, click on the "Upload Images" link in the administration menu.

Enter a file path or click on the "Browse" button and then select the image you want to upload.

When you've selected each of the images you want to upload, click on the "Upload" button.


Viewing/Deleting Images

To delete and/or view the images you have uploaded to your web site, click on the "View/Delete Images" link in the administration menu.

There, you'll see the file name, a thumbnail image and a list of pages that the image is on.

Click on the thumbnail to see an enlarged image in a pop-up window.

To delete one or more images, check the images you want deleted and then click the "Delete Checked Images" button. All deletions are permanent. Index

Inserting Images on Your Web Page

You may use one image in each content block. Any images you've uploaded to your web site using the "Upload Images" link in your administration menu will appear in the drop-down list on the administration page. You can also upload a new image by clicking the "Upload Image" link next to the drop-down list. If you prefer to use an image that exists elsewhere on the Internet, you can select "Use URL" in the drop-down list and then enter a complete Internet address in the field provided. (Don't forget to use the "http://" code at the beginning of the URL.)

Now use the "Align" drop-down lists to select the vertical and horizontal alignment of the image, relative to the text you've entered.

When you are done modifying the content, click the "Update" button to save the changes. Index

Page Maintenance

Add/Remove Pages

Your web site comes with a maximum number of pages based on the package you selected when you set up your account. The Add/Remove Pages module allows you to remove any pages (except the home page) that you don't want to use, or add any additional pages that may be available in your package. To remove a page an active page, click the "Remove" link next to the page title. To add an inactive page, click the "Add" link next to the page title.

If you remove a page, all of its contents will be permanently deleted and links to the page will be removed from the navigation bar on your web site. This will also remove the page from the "Modify Pages" list on your administration page. You can add the page again at any time, but you will have to re-build the contents of the page from scratch.

If you add a page, a button linked to that page will automatically be created in the navigation bar on your web site, and a link to the page will be added to the "Modify Pages" list on your administration page.

If you would like to add more pages than your current package allows, you can upgrade your site by calling 563-588-5732 or e-mailing Admin@AccessDubuque.comIndex

Modify Header and Footer

The "Header" is text and/or an image that will appear at the top of selected pages on your site, and the "Footer" is text and/or an image that will appear at the bottom of selected pages on your site. This feature is designed to give your web site a consistent look from page to page and to save you the trouble of retyping standard content that you want to appear on most pages. You might want to display a logo or title in the header, and a copyright notice, disclaimer or contact information in the footer. The Header and/or the Footer can be displayed on every page of your web site or only on selected pages.

You must edit the Header and the Footer, one at a time. Type the Header text in the "Content" box provided on the administration page, replacing the sample text that is there. If you know how to format text using HTML tags, you can use them here. If you choose not to format your text with HTML codes, it will appear on your web site as standard, unformatted text. Don't forget that the "Enter" key on your keyboard will not create a carriage return in HTML. Instead, use the HTML code "<BR>" to create a line break.

You may use one image in your Header. Any images you've uploaded to your web site using the "Upload Images" link in your administration menu will appear in the drop-down list on the Header administration page. You can also upload a new image by clicking the "Upload Image" link next to the drop-down list. If you prefer to use an image that exists elsewhere on the Internet, you can select "Use URL" in the drop-down list and then enter a complete Internet address in the field provided. (Don't forget to use the "http://" code at the beginning of the URL.)

Now use the "Align" drop-down lists to select the vertical and horizontal alignment of the image, relative to the text you've entered.

When you are done modifying the Header, click the "Update Header" button to save the changes.

Now modify the Footer in the same way and click the "Update Footer" button to save the changes. Index

Modify Site Style

WebXpress gives you two different ways to create the style and color schemes of your web site. The fastest, easiest way to format your site is to select a preformatted template from our style palette. Our professional web-site design staff has created 9 coordinated sets of backgrounds and fonts to give your web site a "polished" look.

Select "Custom" if you are experienced in web site design and want the most flexibility.

You can change the style of your site at any time, as often as you like! Index

Preformatted Styles

Select a style by name in the drop-down list, or click the "Pick" link to view examples. Once you've selected the style you want, click the "Update" button to save your changes. Index

Custom Style

The custom style page allows you to select or enter your own color schemes. You can also upload your own images for an organization's logo or the background of your web-site pages. Any images you've uploaded to your web site using the "Upload Images" link in your administration menu will appear in the drop-down lists on the custom style page. You can also upload a new image by clicking the "Upload Image" link next to each drop-down list. Once you've made all your selections, click the "Update" button to save your changes. Index

Modify Pages

WebXpress lets you modify each page of your web site by breaking up the page into blocks. You'll see a color-coded graphical representation of the blocks under the "Page Layout" heading in the "General Page Settings" area at the top of each page's administration form. Here, you can give your page a custom name, which will also be displayed in your web site's navigation bar, and you can select whether or not you want your web site's header and/or footer to appear on this particular page. The header will appear above the page's content, and the footer will appear beneath it. Once you've made these selections in the "General Page Settings" area, click the "Update" button to save your changes.

Now edit each individual block on the page, being sure to click the "Update" button before moving on to the next block. Index

Content Blocks

The Content block is where you enter the main content that is unique to each page. It appears under the Header, if one exists, and above the Footer of the page.

Type the text you want in the "Content" box provided on the administration page, replacing the sample text that is there. If you know how to format text using HTML tags, you can use them here. If you choose not to format your text with HTML codes, it will appear on your web site as standard, unformatted text. Don't forget that the "Enter" key on your keyboard will not create a carriage return in HTML. Instead, use the HTML code "<BR>" to create a line break.

You may use one image in each content block. Any images you've uploaded to your web site using the "Upload Images" link in your administration menu will appear in the drop-down list on the administration page. You can also upload a new image by clicking the "Upload Image" link next to the drop-down list. If you prefer to use an image that exists elsewhere on the Internet, you can select "Use URL" in the drop-down list and then enter a complete Internet address in the field provided. (Don't forget to use the "http://" code at the beginning of the URL.)

Now use the "Align" drop-down lists to select the vertical and horizontal alignment of the image, relative to the text you've entered.

When you are done modifying the content, click the "Update" button to save the changes. Index

Home Page Content

The Home Page Content block is where you enter the main messages you want to convey to those who visit your web site. It's a good idea to get right to the point and briefly outline the purpose, mission and main goals of your organization, as well as some location and/or contact information. Tell your visitors who you are, what you do, where to find you, when you're open for business and why they should continue browsing through your web site. Remember, your web site is accessible to anyone around the globe, so don't assume that everyone who comes to your site knows who you are and where you're from.

Type the text you want on your home page in the "Content" box provided on the administration page, replacing the sample text that is there. If you know how to format text using HTML tags, you can use them here. If you choose not to format your text with HTML codes, it will appear on your web site as standard, unformatted text. Don't forget that the "Enter" key on your keyboard will not create a carriage return in HTML. Instead, use the HTML code "<BR>" to create a line break.

You may use one image in each content block. Any images you've uploaded to your web site using the "Upload Images" link in your administration menu will appear in the drop-down list on the administration page. You can also upload a new image by clicking the "Upload Image" link next to the drop-down list. If you prefer to use an image that exists elsewhere on the Internet, you can select "Use URL" in the drop-down list and then enter a complete Internet address in the field provided. (Don't forget to use the "http://" code at the beginning of the URL.)

Now use the "Align" drop-down lists to select the vertical and horizontal alignment of the image, relative to the text you've entered.

When you are done modifying the content, click the "Update" button to save the changes. Index

News Content

The News Content block is where you enter any news stories or press releases about your organization. Remember, if you are copying articles that appeared on another web site or in a printed publication, you should ask permission in advance and give attribution to the source of the original work.

You can type any opening text you want in the "Content" box provided on the administration page, replacing the sample text that is there. If you know how to format text using HTML tags, you can use them here. If you choose not to format your text with HTML codes, it will appear on your web site as standard, unformatted text. Don't forget that the "Enter" key on your keyboard will not create a carriage return in HTML. Instead, use the HTML code "<BR>" to create a line break.

You may use one image in this content block. Any images you've uploaded to your web site using the "Upload Images" link in your administration menu will appear in the drop-down list on the administration page. You can also upload a new image by clicking the "Upload Image" link next to the drop-down list. If you prefer to use an image that exists elsewhere on the Internet, you can select "Use URL" in the drop-down list and then enter a complete Internet address in the field provided. (Don't forget to use the "http://" code at the beginning of the URL.)

Now use the "Align" drop-down lists to select the vertical and horizontal alignment of the image, relative to the text you've entered.

When you are done modifying the content, click the "Update" button to save the changes.

Now input your first news article by clicking on the "Add A News Article" link at the bottom of the page.

Each news article block has fields for a Headline, a Sub Title, a By Line, a Publication Date and the Article text. Replace any sample text in any of these fields. You can leave any of the fields empty if you want. If you know how to format text using HTML tags, you can use them here. If you choose not to format your text with HTML codes, it will appear on your web site as standard, unformatted text. Don't forget that the "Enter" key on your keyboard will not create a carriage return in HTML. Instead, use the HTML code "<BR>" to create a line break.

You may add additional news article blocks by clicking on the "Add Entry Before" or "Add Entry After" links at the top of each block. You can move your content blocks up or down in sequence by clicking on the "Move Up" or "Move Down" links at the top of each block. You can delete a block by clicking on the "Delete This Entry" link, but remember that all deletions are permanent. You can add another block later, but the content of the deleted block can not be restored.

When you are done modifying a block, click the "Update" button to save changes before moving on to the next block. Index

Calendar of Events

WebXpress lets you build a Calendar of Events database that will automatically display your events in chronological order on your web site, and remove them from the calendar after the end date you specify for each event.

At the same time, you can choose to have your event listings submitted for publication in the Telegraph Herald and posted on AccessDubuque.com. (Submissions to the Telegraph Herald are subject to review, verification and editing by TH staff, and must be received prior to applicable deadlines. Call 563/588-5650 or 800/562-6019 for more information.)

You can type any opening text you want in the "Content" box provided on the administration page, replacing the sample text that is there. If you know how to format text using HTML tags, you can use them here. If you choose not to format your text with HTML codes, it will appear on your web site as standard, unformatted text. Don't forget that the "Enter" key on your keyboard will not create a carriage return in HTML. Instead, use the HTML code "<BR>" to create a line break.

You may use one image in this content block. Any images you've uploaded to your web site using the "Upload Images" link in your administration menu will appear in the drop-down list on the administration page. You can also upload a new image by clicking the "Upload Image" link next to the drop-down list. If you prefer to use an image that exists elsewhere on the Internet, you can select "Use URL" in the drop-down list and then enter a complete Internet address in the field provided. (Don't forget to use the "http://" code at the beginning of the URL.)

Now use the "Align" drop-down lists to select the vertical and horizontal alignment of the image, relative to the text you've entered.

When you are done modifying the content, click the "Update" button to save the changes.

Now input your first news calendar item by clicking on the "Add An Event" link at the bottom of the page.

You may add additional event listing blocks by clicking on the "Add Event" link at the top of each block. You can delete a block by clicking on the "Delete Event" link, but remember that all deletions are permanent. You can add another event later, but the content of the deleted block can not be restored.

Each event listing block has fields for the Name of the event, the Location of the event, the Start Date and Time of the event and the End Date and Time of the event, as well as a brief Description of the event. Replace any sample text in any of these fields. You can leave the Ending Time blank if you want.

If you'd like your event to be submitted to the Telegraph Herald for possible publication in an upcoming edition of the newspaper, click the "Submit to TH" check box. Any events published in the TH are also published online on AccessDubuque.com.

When you are done modifying a listing, click the "Update" button to save changes before moving on to the next block.

Your events will appear on your Calendar of Events page until the day after the End Date you specified. Until you delete the event listing, it will remain accessible to you in your administration utility, flagged as "Expired." You can re-use expired event listings by revising the Start Date and End Date, and then clicking on the "Update" button.

You can copy an event listing by clicking on the "Copy This Entry" link at the top of each event block. Don't forget to modify and update the copied listing after you make your clone. Index

Request for Information Form

WebXpress lets you build a form that visitors to your web site can fill out to provide feedback, ask questions or request information from you. When they click on the Submit button after filling out the form, the data they've entered in the form fields will be e-mailed to you immediately.

You can use up to 24 different fields in your form, using the default title or entering a custom title for each form field.

You can type any opening text you want in the "Content" box provided on the administration page, replacing the sample text that is there. If you know how to format text using HTML tags, you can use them here. If you choose not to format your text with HTML codes, it will appear on your web site as standard, unformatted text. Don't forget that the "Enter" key on your keyboard will not create a carriage return in HTML. Instead, use the HTML code "<BR>" to create a line break.

You may use one image in this content block. Any images you've uploaded to your web site using the "Upload Images" link in your administration menu will appear in the drop-down list on the administration page. You can also upload a new image by clicking the "Upload Image" link next to the drop-down list. If you prefer to use an image that exists elsewhere on the Internet, you can select "Use URL" in the drop-down list and then enter a complete Internet address in the field provided. (Don't forget to use the "http://" code at the beginning of the URL.)

Now use the "Align" drop-down lists to select the vertical and horizontal alignment of the image, relative to the text you've entered.

When you are done modifying the content, click the "Update" button to save the changes.

Now build the form you want to display on this page.

To add one of the available fields to your form, select the "Include" check box next to its title. You can also require that certain fields be completed before the form can be submitted. Do this by selecting the "Mandatory" check box after each required field.

While you can modify the title of each field, you can not change the field type, so you'll need to consider the field types when customizing your form. The following field types are available in your form:

Text Box: 50-character limitation
State List: A drop-down list of U.S. states and Canadian Provinces
Country List: A drop-down list of countries
Date Gang: Three drop-down lists for Month, Day and Year
Phone Box: A box that holds enough characters for a 10-digit telephone number
E-mail Box: A box that holds an e-mail address, which must contain an "@" sign and a period.
Contact List: A drop-down list of preferred methods of contact. (ie: Phone, Mail, Email, Do Not Contact)
Check Box: A check box that can be checked or unchecked
Memo Box: A text box that can contain an unlimited number of characters

You must also enter the e-mail address to which you want the forms to be submitted.

After you've created your form, click the "Update" button to save changes. Index

FAQ Content

The use of a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page is a good way help visitors learn about your organization. By anticipating the questions people might ask, and then providing the answers to those questions, you can often save the time and expense of taking calls or responding to mailed inquiries.

The FAQ Content block allows you to do just that.

You can type any opening text you want in the "Content" box provided on the administration page, replacing the sample text that is there. If you know how to format text using HTML tags, you can use them here. If you choose not to format your text with HTML codes, it will appear on your web site as standard, unformatted text. Don't forget that the "Enter" key on your keyboard will not create a carriage return in HTML. Instead, use the HTML code "<BR>" to create a line break.

You may use one image in this content block. Any images you've uploaded to your web site using the "Upload Images" link in your administration menu will appear in the drop-down list on the administration page. You can also upload a new image by clicking the "Upload Image" link next to the drop-down list. If you prefer to use an image that exists elsewhere on the Internet, you can select "Use URL" in the drop-down list and then enter a complete Internet address in the field provided. (Don't forget to use the "http://" code at the beginning of the URL.)

Now use the "Align" drop-down lists to select the vertical and horizontal alignment of the image, relative to the text you've entered.

When you are done modifying the content, click the "Update" button to save the changes.

Now input your first question and answer by clicking on the "Add A FAQ Q&A" link at the bottom of the page.

Simple type a question in the first text box, and then type the answer to that question in the second text box.

You may add additional FAQ blocks by clicking on the "Add Entry Before" or "Add Entry After" links at the top of each block. You can move your content blocks up or down in sequence by clicking on the "Move Up" or "Move Down" links at the top of each block. You can delete a block by clicking on the "Delete This Entry" link, but remember that all deletions are permanent. You can add another block later, but the content of the deleted block can not be restored.

When you are done modifying a block, click the "Update" button to save changes before moving on to the next block. Index

Links Page Content

You might want to refer your visitors to other web sites on the Internet that contain relevant information or related services.

You can type any opening text you want in the "Content" box provided on the administration page, replacing the sample text that is there. If you know how to format text using HTML tags, you can use them here. If you choose not to format your text with HTML codes, it will appear on your web site as standard, unformatted text. Don't forget that the "Enter" key on your keyboard will not create a carriage return in HTML. Instead, use the HTML code "<BR>" to create a line break.

You may use one image in this content block. Any images you've uploaded to your web site using the "Upload Images" link in your administration menu will appear in the drop-down list on the administration page. You can also upload a new image by clicking the "Upload Image" link next to the drop-down list. If you prefer to use an image that exists elsewhere on the Internet, you can select "Use URL" in the drop-down list and then enter a complete Internet address in the field provided. (Don't forget to use the "http://" code at the beginning of the URL.)

Now use the "Align" drop-down lists to select the vertical and horizontal alignment of the image, relative to the text you've entered.

When you are done modifying the content, click the "Update" button to save the changes.

Now input your first link by clicking on the "Add A Link" link at the bottom of the page.

The Links Content block allows you to do just that. Simple enter a Title, the Web Address (URL) and a brief description of the web site in the fields provided. There is a 256-character limitation on each field, so you'll want to keep your comments brief. Don't forget, the Web Address must begin with http://, which is usually followed by a "www." and typically ends in ".com", ".org," ".edu" or some other top-level domain extension.

You may add additional link blocks by clicking on the "Add Entry Before" or "Add Entry After" links at the top of each block. You can move your content blocks up or down in sequence by clicking on the "Move Up" or "Move Down" links at the top of each block. You can delete a block by clicking on the "Delete This Entry" link, but remember that all deletions are permanent. You can add another block later, but the content of the deleted block can not be restored.

When you are done modifying a block, click the "Update" button to save changes before moving on to the next block.

Be sure to test each of your links after your page is built. Index

About Us Content

Use this page to describe your organization. For example:

    The history of your organization.
    Your organization's primary mission.
    Your location, address and other contact information.
You can type any text you want in the "Content" box provided on the administration page, replacing the sample text that is there. If you know how to format text using HTML tags, you can use them here. If you choose not to format your text with HTML codes, it will appear on your web site as standard, unformatted text. Don't forget that the "Enter" key on your keyboard will not create a carriage return in HTML. Instead, use the HTML code "<BR>" to create a line break.

You may use one image in this content block. Any images you've uploaded to your web site using the "Upload Images" link in your administration menu will appear in the drop-down list on the administration page. You can also upload a new image by clicking the "Upload Image" link next to the drop-down list. If you prefer to use an image that exists elsewhere on the Internet, you can select "Use URL" in the drop-down list and then enter a complete Internet address in the field provided. (Don't forget to use the "http://" code at the beginning of the URL.)

Now use the "Align" drop-down lists to select the vertical and horizontal alignment of the image, relative to the text you've entered.

When you are done modifying the content, click the "Update" button to save the changes. Index

Search Page Content

If you're web site has more than a few pages, you might want to offer a site search engine.

When building your web site, you should save this page for last. That's because all of the pages of your web site are indexed by the search engine each time you click the "Update and ReIndex" button or the "ReIndex" button on the Search Engine Content page of your administration utility.

You can type any opening text you want in the "Content" box provided on the administration page, replacing the sample text that is there. If you know how to format text using HTML tags, you can use them here. If you choose not to format your text with HTML codes, it will appear on your web site as standard, unformatted text. Don't forget that the "Enter" key on your keyboard will not create a carriage return in HTML. Instead, use the HTML code "<BR>" to create a line break.

You may use one image in this content block. Any images you've uploaded to your web site using the "Upload Images" link in your administration menu will appear in the drop-down list on the administration page. You can also upload a new image by clicking the "Upload Image" link next to the drop-down list. If you prefer to use an image that exists elsewhere on the Internet, you can select "Use URL" in the drop-down list and then enter a complete Internet address in the field provided. (Don't forget to use the "http://" code at the beginning of the URL.)

Now use the "Align" drop-down lists to select the vertical and horizontal alignment of the image, relative to the text you've entered.

When you are done modifying the content, click the "Update" button to save the changes.

Now, select the pages of your web site that you want the search engine to index. Then click "Update and ReIndex."

Each time you change any of the pages on your web site, you must "ReIndex" the site so the new content can be found by the search engine.

The search engine will display a link to any page on your web site that contains the words or phrases entered by the user, as long as you have properly indexed your site after each modification. Index

Modifying Your Account

Changing Your Contact Information

This information should correspond to the person who is primarily responsible for managing and maintaining the web site. All the fields in blue are required fields. This information must be provided completely and accurately, and is subject to verification. We value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone outside Woodward Communications, Inc. For more information, refer to our privacy statement and subscriber agreement. Index

Changing Your Organization Information

This information should correspond to the certified non-profit organization responsible for the content of the web site. All the fields in blue are required fields, and it's alright if this information is the same as that provided under the Contact Information section, above. This information must be provided completely and accurately, and is subject to verification. We value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone outside Woodward Communications, Inc. For more information, refer to our privacy statement and subscriber agreement. Index

Changing Your Password

To change your password, type your current password in the "Old Password" field, and type your new password in the next two fields. (We ask you to type it twice to minimize the chance of typing an inadvertent key while inputting your password.)

It's important that you use a password that is easy for you to remember. You'll need to use it each time you log on the administration site to build and modify your web pages. Your password must contain at least 6 characters and consist entirely of letters, numbers and/or underscores.

When you are done entering your new password, click on the "Change Password" button to save the change. The next time you log on, you must use your new password. Index