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seegull737's avatar
Joined: 12/6/10
Simpson College's How-to guru, Zombie administrator and opera librettist recently became a grownup writing for The Telegraph Herald
Most recent blogs
 Pretty Pretty Princess: Where's the prince?:May/31/11
 Dealer’s Choice: Learning to sell the lemons:Apr/26/11
 Scrabble: I've got words for you:Mar/22/11
 Jenga: When support is taken away:Feb/28/11
 Othello: simple, but intense:Feb/22/11
 Risk: Conquering the world one dice roll at a time:Feb/14/11
 Recognizing the masters with Masterpiece:Feb/1/11
 Got Game but I'm no Gamer:Jan/13/11
 From Hacktivism to Activism- Anonymous :Dec/17/10
 Wikileaks supporters and cyber terrorism:Dec/16/10
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