My ex-boyfriend has been arrested 3 times in 6 1/2 months for a DUI, spent from Feb. 2010 to April 2010 in the County Jail before being sent to the Elm St. Facility. He was there for 8 months (2 months longer than he should have been), was released to my apartment, started drinking, in which I kicked him out. He has been picked up TWICE for Public Intoxications, most recently last night. The first PI was Dec. 26--He was violating his Probation, and they didn't keep him! I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY NOT! It makes no sense to me at all.
Are they hoping that he'll eventually leave town or what? Myself, personally, I'm hoping they put him in jail so I can get my act together and leave town before he gets out. It's what I was hoping for back in April, but of course it wasn't meant to be. So I just want him to get locked up, because otherwise he'll connive to get back into my life. Somewhere I don't want him to be. Thank heavens for the help and support of my landlord. The ex won't come around as long as the landlord is here.
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