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Joined: 4/2/06
Most recent blogs
 My Heisman vote didn't go to waste:May/26/11
 Dubuque fans stepped up big-time this weekend:May/23/11
 A closer look at the USHL Clark Cup semifinals: Green Bay vs. Cedar Rapids:Apr/28/11
 A closer look at the USHL Clark Cup semifinals: Dubuque vs. Sioux Falls:Apr/28/11
 To folks from 'The Point,' there's only one Jimmer:Mar/22/11
 What was the USHL schedule maker thinking?:Mar/14/11
 Saints have turned the corner:Jan/23/11
 Feedback on my Heisman vote:Dec/16/10
 We're looking for the top scholar-athletes in the TH area:Apr/24/10
 We're looking for the top scholar-athletes in the TH area:Apr/20/10
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