Add your Dubuque-area web site to our index.

You may add your web site to our search engine by entering your URL and selecting a category in which you would like your site listed.

Only web sites originating from the immediate Dubuque area will be approved. You may place your site in only one category.

Your site will be visited by our "spider," reviewed and added to our database within three business days, if approved.

All sites will be reviewed for content and appropriateness before being included in the database. If your site does not contain adequate contact information for verification that it is a Dubuque-area web site, it will be rejected.

We reserve the right to not include sites deemed inappropriate for any reason.

Please Enter URL:  
Category (please choose one):
Please enter your e-mail address:
Please enter your telephone number:--
Title of the website or business:
Briefly describe your website (If your site uses frames or JavaScript, we strongly recommend you provide a description):
To help prevent spam, please enter the two words with a space between them.