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Erik Hogstrom's avatar
Erik Hogstrom
Joined: 4/16/07
Erik is in his 11th year at the Telegraph Herald, covering health care, human services, weather, technology and other topics.
Most recent blogs
 Somewhere an Aussie's saying: "Where's Dubuque?":Sep/17/10
 Thanks Michael Been, for a resonating song:Aug/20/10
 It anniulates, er, anneyehulates, er, really hurts grass:Aug/17/10
 Catching koalas? Where do I sign up?:Aug/10/10
 Rockin' 'n' boppin' en Español:Jul/16/10
 Mad minivan skillz:May/19/10
 Ready to coach teen driver? Maybe not:Apr/22/10
 Punk manager's death prompts memories:Apr/8/10
 Forget recession and scandal -- The pubs are open!:Apr/2/10
 A definite feeling of déjà vu:Mar/2/10
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